Just call me Nik

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23 year old Interior Designer with a passion for Mid Century Modern anything! Obsessed with Italy, Owls, Twilight and anything 'Retro'!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today is Voting Day!!!

I have not written on my blog in so long. But today it's raining and it's Voting DAY!!!!!! I don't usually preach my politics on people. Mostly I could care less about politics than the average person. But here in California we have Prop 8... a hateful proposition to eliminate the right for same sex couples to be recognized as a legally married couple.  ???? who in their right mind has seen our country's past 'incidents' as some call them, with discrimination and have not yet learned from them. "Save marriage" some say, "Save our children"...... wake up, your children are surrounded by the gay community everyday. as for saving marriage, let's work on the 55% divorce rate with heterosexual couples first. Some believe that this proposition will make schools incorporate gay marriage into the circiculum... we don't even teach straight marriage in schools! Many are using that as their main reason for voting for the elimination of rights... I believe that the excuse to 'protect children' is just a 'justified' way of them quitelty diplaying their discrimination and hate. Worried about your children being exposed to the 'gay lifestyle'? Better not let them watch Nickelodeon- Degrassi, South of Nowhere, The CW- One tree Hill, Gossip Girl, 90210, Warner Brothers- Friends... all have gay plot lines around gay and lesbian characters.

Which also means you wish for your children to NOT learn about:
Alexander the Great- Macedonian Ruler
Socrates- Greek Philosopher
Richard the Lionhearted- English King
Leonardo Da Vinci- Italian Artist/ Scientist/ Poet/ Diplomat
Michelangelo- Italian Artist
Lord Byron- English Poet
Walt Whitman- American Poet
Oscar Wilde- Irish Author
Virginia Wold- English Author
Pope Julius III- Pope from 1550-1555
Andy Warhol- American Artist
Tchaikovsky- Russian Composer
Frida Kahlo- Mexican Artist
Rock Hudson- American Actor
Doris Day- American Actor and Singer
Aristotle- Greek Philosopher
Edward II- English King

All of the well-know people above were gay!
The list goes on, and on, and on, and on...................

"Within the typical secondary school curriculum,  homosexuals  do not exist.   They are 'nonpersons' in the finest Stalinist sense. They have fought no battles, held no offices, explored nowhere, written no literature, built nothing, invented nothing and solved no equations.  The lesson to the heterosexual student is abundantly clear: homosexuals do nothing of consequence. To the homosexual student, the message has even greater power: no one who has ever felt as you do has done anything worth mentioning."    -Gerald Unks

1 comment:

mommyholly said...

Wooooooooooo love this post!!!! :) I voted and was so happy to still see some of the "No on 8" people on the corners up here in Valley Center!!