Just call me Nik

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23 year old Interior Designer with a passion for Mid Century Modern anything! Obsessed with Italy, Owls, Twilight and anything 'Retro'!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


mommyholly said...

OK, you might hate me for saying this haha, but EW. I am disapointed in America. And I never even knew you were voting for Obama???????! :P

Nikole said...

It's ok Holly, you can choose not to like our next president (OBAMA!!!!!) for the next 8 years.. because you got your past 8 years with your guy.. and now it's our turn! and boy did I hate the past 8 years! Plus you have to admit how awesome it is that our children (and us) will know what it's like to have the first black president!!!!

are you racist? lol..j/k

P.S..... I am officially super disappointed in California and their ignorance, hate and discrimination!