Just call me Nik

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23 year old Interior Designer with a passion for Mid Century Modern anything! Obsessed with Italy, Owls, Twilight and anything 'Retro'!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Re-Open Proposition 8!!!

Re-Open Proposition 8 in California
Prop 8 is simple: it eliminates the rights for same-sex couples to marry. Prop 8 would deny equal protections and write discrimination against one group of people—lesbian and gay people—into our state constitution. 
No matter what your religious beliefs or your opinion on the gay community.. do you really want to write discrimination into the constitution?
 You will be taking away marriage rights from same sex couples that have already been married! That would be the equivalent to taking away the right to be married from interracial couples, who are already married!
Just think in the sense of the law... not belief or personal opinion.

Please sign the petition to re-open prop 8 in California:

(must be 18 or older and legal resident of California) 

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