Just call me Nik

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23 year old Interior Designer with a passion for Mid Century Modern anything! Obsessed with Italy, Owls, Twilight and anything 'Retro'!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Day!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Normally I would say "Happy happy turkey day!", but this year I'm doing turkey day as a non-turkey day. I'm going veggie style this thanksgiving (which I have done on and off for several years), and for some reason I really don't think I'm gonna miss it. I would however die if there was no green bean casserole! That's my fav! I'm also wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving a few hours early due to the fact that more than likely tomorrow I will be hung over, It's tradition to get drunk the night before Thanksgiving with all the friends who are back in town. And then have a few beers with dad that morning while preparing the food.

And I cannot wait for the parade!!!! Every year I HAVE TO watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and likewise on Christmas morning with Disney's Christmas Parade!!This year there is a Shrek Balloon and a Hortan Hears A Who!!!


mommyholly said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!! And WOOOOHOOOO to the veggie-friendly dinners hehe!! xo!

Unknown said...

Hi Nikole! Holly let me know that you haven't received any of my emails. I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened ??? I just tried emailing you again, but wanted to leave a comment here for you in case you don't get my message. I shipped your swap package last Wednesday, so you should be receiving it very soon. Sorry for the lost emails! Hope to hear from you.
