Just call me Nik

My photo
23 year old Interior Designer with a passion for Mid Century Modern anything! Obsessed with Italy, Owls, Twilight and anything 'Retro'!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Day!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Normally I would say "Happy happy turkey day!", but this year I'm doing turkey day as a non-turkey day. I'm going veggie style this thanksgiving (which I have done on and off for several years), and for some reason I really don't think I'm gonna miss it. I would however die if there was no green bean casserole! That's my fav! I'm also wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving a few hours early due to the fact that more than likely tomorrow I will be hung over, It's tradition to get drunk the night before Thanksgiving with all the friends who are back in town. And then have a few beers with dad that morning while preparing the food.

And I cannot wait for the parade!!!! Every year I HAVE TO watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and likewise on Christmas morning with Disney's Christmas Parade!!This year there is a Shrek Balloon and a Hortan Hears A Who!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Retro Mod Christmas

Tis the Season
Thanksgiving is almost here and gone already.. time to think about 
decorating for the Holidays!
Here are some cute retro inspired Christmas ornaments I found. 
You gotta love the little spaceman one! Soo cute!
Cute retro inspired items can be found here:
Look under Home Decor

Thursday, November 20, 2008

TWILIGHT has come!!!!


Tonight at 12:01am my lovely Devlin ladies and I will be in a theater watching Edward Cullen save Bella Swan, while dazzling us all!! Twilight mania will offically hit tonight! I will be taking all my non-reading friends to see it throughout the month to show what all the 'fuss' is about. 
All my fellow Fanpires are super excited!
Even people who have not read the book, yet they know I'm obsessed are texting me- they are excited for me!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Budding New Artist- Tiffany Liu

Today I came across this wonderfully strange and unique artist, Tiffany Liu. Her paintings are fun and whimsical, yet some are borderline gross or disturbing, yet they are always cute!
A confessed exemplar of the Peter Pan Syndrome, and happily ensconced in a personal “Never-Neverland,” Liu has never lost her childlike spirit. The artist estimates that approximately 50% of her waking existence has been spent in “one big daydream.”

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Room With a View

This was the view from my portch about three days ago..
 i'm so lucky.


I Love Fall!
I love fall colors, it's fall year round at my house.
So I was super excited when my mom made me this wonderful fall floral arrangement!
Too bad it will be decaying in about a week or so, but it's fun to enjoy while they last.
Also, my cheap fall scented candles!
Taking advantage of all these stores going out of business by buying up all their candles!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Buddha Poses

Buddha Burberry Brown- The Pomeranian
This is Buddha Burberry Brown... he has a very long story behind his very long name. Well if you can't tell, Buddha is the Zoolander of dogs.... he loves the camera and actually WILL pose for you! That's part of the story on how Buddha became my dog. Buddha was in a pet store (NEVER buy a dog from a pet store!) and whenever you would walk up to his little glass window he would literally do different poses for you, and when you walk away he would stop and go back to playing. How could I resist?
He's so cute! (If I do say so myself)
Anyway, I was cleaning my Spare 'Retro ' Room and of course whenever I want to make a bed, he's all over it. So I caught some of his cuteness on camera. 

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Retro Pets

Retro Room Aquarium
Since goldfish (generally speaking) lack interior decorators, their aquariums tend to be embellished with outmoded crusty treasure chests, evil pirates and bubbling mermaids. What's a modern fish to do? Thankfully, our retro-chic tank comes fully furnished with a colorful lounge chair, TV, lava lamp and area rug -- everything the design-conscious fish needs for a stylin' pad! And although the aquarium is designed to hold a live goldfish, a plastic fish is included for commitment-phobes. Perfectly sized for a desktop tank, and fun for kids too!

Tank has a 1 quart (1 liter) capacity, and measures 6" H x 7" W x 5" D. Designed for freshwater use. Made of plastic.

WishingFish  $20.00

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Re-Open Proposition 8!!!

Re-Open Proposition 8 in California
Prop 8 is simple: it eliminates the rights for same-sex couples to marry. Prop 8 would deny equal protections and write discrimination against one group of people—lesbian and gay people—into our state constitution. 
No matter what your religious beliefs or your opinion on the gay community.. do you really want to write discrimination into the constitution?
 You will be taking away marriage rights from same sex couples that have already been married! That would be the equivalent to taking away the right to be married from interracial couples, who are already married!
Just think in the sense of the law... not belief or personal opinion.

Please sign the petition to re-open prop 8 in California:

(must be 18 or older and legal resident of California) 

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Twilight Cast

November 2oth at 12:01am- Twilight is showing at a theater near you!!!
( Picture shown: Courtesy of Vanity Fair December 2008)

This is a picture of the entire (well, the characters that matter) cast of the upcoming movie Twilight. Based on Stephanie Meyer's series of books.  If you have not read these books... YOU MUST!!!!  The lovely Devlin sisters and I have been counting down the days until this movie comes out. We started counting when there were about 160 days left- we are true Fanpires! We bought our tickets last week and are ready for some vampire lovin! Soo exciting!!! For the best Twilight updates go to:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today is Voting Day!!!

I have not written on my blog in so long. But today it's raining and it's Voting DAY!!!!!! I don't usually preach my politics on people. Mostly I could care less about politics than the average person. But here in California we have Prop 8... a hateful proposition to eliminate the right for same sex couples to be recognized as a legally married couple.  ???? who in their right mind has seen our country's past 'incidents' as some call them, with discrimination and have not yet learned from them. "Save marriage" some say, "Save our children"...... wake up, your children are surrounded by the gay community everyday. as for saving marriage, let's work on the 55% divorce rate with heterosexual couples first. Some believe that this proposition will make schools incorporate gay marriage into the circiculum... we don't even teach straight marriage in schools! Many are using that as their main reason for voting for the elimination of rights... I believe that the excuse to 'protect children' is just a 'justified' way of them quitelty diplaying their discrimination and hate. Worried about your children being exposed to the 'gay lifestyle'? Better not let them watch Nickelodeon- Degrassi, South of Nowhere, The CW- One tree Hill, Gossip Girl, 90210, Warner Brothers- Friends... all have gay plot lines around gay and lesbian characters.

Which also means you wish for your children to NOT learn about:
Alexander the Great- Macedonian Ruler
Socrates- Greek Philosopher
Richard the Lionhearted- English King
Leonardo Da Vinci- Italian Artist/ Scientist/ Poet/ Diplomat
Michelangelo- Italian Artist
Lord Byron- English Poet
Walt Whitman- American Poet
Oscar Wilde- Irish Author
Virginia Wold- English Author
Pope Julius III- Pope from 1550-1555
Andy Warhol- American Artist
Tchaikovsky- Russian Composer
Frida Kahlo- Mexican Artist
Rock Hudson- American Actor
Doris Day- American Actor and Singer
Aristotle- Greek Philosopher
Edward II- English King

All of the well-know people above were gay!
The list goes on, and on, and on, and on...................

"Within the typical secondary school curriculum,  homosexuals  do not exist.   They are 'nonpersons' in the finest Stalinist sense. They have fought no battles, held no offices, explored nowhere, written no literature, built nothing, invented nothing and solved no equations.  The lesson to the heterosexual student is abundantly clear: homosexuals do nothing of consequence. To the homosexual student, the message has even greater power: no one who has ever felt as you do has done anything worth mentioning."    -Gerald Unks