Just call me Nik

My photo
23 year old Interior Designer with a passion for Mid Century Modern anything! Obsessed with Italy, Owls, Twilight and anything 'Retro'!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mid Century Props!!!!

Ok, so I have not been so good at keeping up with my blog... and last night on Ugly Betty she won an award for hers.. so it has insipred me to try and keep better tabs on mine! Plus the next thing I an about to post is just so exciting to me that I want to put it out there into cyber space!
I'm going to a Mid Century Modern Prop house on Saturday!! yes thats right.. the stars have aligned and I am headed to my dream room.. wall to wall MID CENTURY STUFF! I don't even care whats in there.. just to be surounded by all authenic things from the era will make my day, week, month!
(pictures to be posted when I get home, Work computer does not support downloaded images)
Pray that I find some A-Mazing stuff!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I'm Back!

So It's been about a year since I wrote on this thing but I explore everyone else's pages and thought 'hey, it's about time you started contributing too!'

So here goes......
I am a late bloomer to joining this club but I am now a Mad Men Addict! That's right, Don & Betty Draper, Joan Holloway, Cosgrove, Peggy Olson and Pete Campbell have consumed hours of my life in the past 4 weeks! I am officially cought up and watching season three along side the rest of the MM avid fans! I love the decor, the lingo, the lifestyle and the creatiev plot lines that are constantly shocking us!

Watch Mad Men Thrusdays on AMC!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sometimes I really hate technology!

Who cares about the stock market crashing.. my computer died!!!!
So, My computer totally bit the dust after 7 years of hard work. Unfortunately for me, the Geek Squad could recover NOTHING from my hardrive!!! He just looked at me and shook his head, I felt like Carrie in the episode of Sex and the City where the "sad mac" face makes it's appearance and kills all of her articles.. I now 'back-up!'It's gone.. all bloody gone! So I will not be blogging until I have received my new and overpriced computer that will have every backup system known to man.. sometimes I really hate technology!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Day!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Normally I would say "Happy happy turkey day!", but this year I'm doing turkey day as a non-turkey day. I'm going veggie style this thanksgiving (which I have done on and off for several years), and for some reason I really don't think I'm gonna miss it. I would however die if there was no green bean casserole! That's my fav! I'm also wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving a few hours early due to the fact that more than likely tomorrow I will be hung over, It's tradition to get drunk the night before Thanksgiving with all the friends who are back in town. And then have a few beers with dad that morning while preparing the food.

And I cannot wait for the parade!!!! Every year I HAVE TO watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and likewise on Christmas morning with Disney's Christmas Parade!!This year there is a Shrek Balloon and a Hortan Hears A Who!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Retro Mod Christmas

Tis the Season
Thanksgiving is almost here and gone already.. time to think about 
decorating for the Holidays!
Here are some cute retro inspired Christmas ornaments I found. 
You gotta love the little spaceman one! Soo cute!
Cute retro inspired items can be found here:
Look under Home Decor

Thursday, November 20, 2008

TWILIGHT has come!!!!


Tonight at 12:01am my lovely Devlin ladies and I will be in a theater watching Edward Cullen save Bella Swan, while dazzling us all!! Twilight mania will offically hit tonight! I will be taking all my non-reading friends to see it throughout the month to show what all the 'fuss' is about. 
All my fellow Fanpires are super excited!
Even people who have not read the book, yet they know I'm obsessed are texting me- they are excited for me!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Budding New Artist- Tiffany Liu

Today I came across this wonderfully strange and unique artist, Tiffany Liu. Her paintings are fun and whimsical, yet some are borderline gross or disturbing, yet they are always cute!
A confessed exemplar of the Peter Pan Syndrome, and happily ensconced in a personal “Never-Neverland,” Liu has never lost her childlike spirit. The artist estimates that approximately 50% of her waking existence has been spent in “one big daydream.”