Just call me Nik

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23 year old Interior Designer with a passion for Mid Century Modern anything! Obsessed with Italy, Owls, Twilight and anything 'Retro'!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mid Century Props!!!!

Ok, so I have not been so good at keeping up with my blog... and last night on Ugly Betty she won an award for hers.. so it has insipred me to try and keep better tabs on mine! Plus the next thing I an about to post is just so exciting to me that I want to put it out there into cyber space!
I'm going to a Mid Century Modern Prop house on Saturday!! yes thats right.. the stars have aligned and I am headed to my dream room.. wall to wall MID CENTURY STUFF! I don't even care whats in there.. just to be surounded by all authenic things from the era will make my day, week, month!
(pictures to be posted when I get home, Work computer does not support downloaded images)
Pray that I find some A-Mazing stuff!