Just call me Nik

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23 year old Interior Designer with a passion for Mid Century Modern anything! Obsessed with Italy, Owls, Twilight and anything 'Retro'!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I'm Back!

So It's been about a year since I wrote on this thing but I explore everyone else's pages and thought 'hey, it's about time you started contributing too!'

So here goes......
I am a late bloomer to joining this club but I am now a Mad Men Addict! That's right, Don & Betty Draper, Joan Holloway, Cosgrove, Peggy Olson and Pete Campbell have consumed hours of my life in the past 4 weeks! I am officially cought up and watching season three along side the rest of the MM avid fans! I love the decor, the lingo, the lifestyle and the creatiev plot lines that are constantly shocking us!

Watch Mad Men Thrusdays on AMC!